Make your book gift extra special this year with a themed experience.

Kids love to play make believe games based on their favourite stories, or spot animals that resemble their favourite characters. This is why they are drawn to the books that are boxed up with stuffed cuddly toy characters.

So why not think outside the box and create your own book gift package for Christmas.


Fish Jam

Create a fish or ocean themed gift pack to give along with the book:

  •  Swimming goggles or mask and snorkel 
  • Fish beach towel
  • Floaties and pool toys
  • Ticket or family pass to your city aquarium
  • Fish bath toys  
    OR you could do a musical themed package


Create a beach themed gift:

  • Beach ball
  • Beach towel
  • Rashie and goggles
  • Beach themed party shirt
  • Sunnies

1, 2, Pirate Stew

Arrrrgh! Create a pirate themed gift pack for your little mateys:

  • Pirate costume
  • Parrot finger puppet
  • Pirate themed jigsaw
  • Water balloons

More book theme gift ideas:


The Lion in Our Living Room by Emma Middleton, Illustrated by Briony Stewart.

Once Upon a Small Rhinoceros by Meg Mckinlay, Illustrated by Leila Rudge

  • Ticket or family pass to the zoo.
  • Cuddly animal toy.

A is For Australian Animals by Frané Lessac

  • A pass to an Australian Wildlife Centre.

Dungzilla by James Foley

  • Bug catching kit.
  • Chocolate beetles.


Sage Cookson series by Sally Murphy

Me and You by Deborah Kelly, Illustrated by Karen Blair

  • Whisk and cooking bowl
  • Apron
  • Cake mix or layered cookie ingredient jar


For something extra special, you could even get your book gift signed by the author or illustrator! Keep an eye out for author events at libraries and fairs. We try not to bite and are usually more than happy to sign a book and write a special message for your child. And we really do appreciate it when you support your local authors :)

* If you are in Western Australia The Back Yard Book Fair is on at the State Library 2nd December. 11 local authors including many mentioned above will be there presenting free author sessions and signing books! I am not speaking this year due to family commitments, but we hope to pop down for a session or two :)

Merry Christmas! xx